A 12 week container that creates a new foundation for your life by helping your body and nervous system to gently release and rewrite the memory of your early childhood, birth and prenatal experiences.

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How I work:

The frame of every sessions is the same: You can bring what is present for you or an intention to look at a specific experience or traumatic stagnation. However, you don`t have to bring anything, as your body will guide us to what it is ready to work with. After this check in I will guide you into a slower more ressourced space from which the body feels safe enough to express old somatic experiences and emotions. I will gently guide you towards releasing and relief and we will create a space for your to make a NEW experience to replace the old one. We never take something away without giving the body a new way to hold onto. My tools vary depending on the stage and topic, I do a lot of ressourcing, verbal and energetic holding and micro movement practices. We take breaks and honour your limits.